Introduction to programming and fundamentals of computer science - BBS (Loriano Storchi)
Note the course is lectured in English.
These notes have no claim of completeness, but represent only a reference, I hope a useful one, for all those who have followed
the course. (Some unavoidable inaccuracies will be corrected as soon as possible)
Warnings, slides may undergo changes during the course
BitBucket source code o
GitHub source code
Here you find all the source codes. All the code contained in the repository is a fundamental
part of what will be investigated during the course
Slides 1 (EN) : Introduction, Von Neuman architecture, basic concepts of computer networks.
Slides 2 (EN) : Binary representation and variables
Slides 3 (EN) : Basic programming concepts, algorithms, computability, complexity
Slides 4 (EN), Slides Scratch (EN) : Control structures
Slides 5 (EN), Slides 5 extra (EN) : Introduction to Python
Slides 6 (EN) : Python basic data structures
Slides 7 (EN) numbers.txt: Functions, parameters, pointers, basic file I/O
Slides 8 (EN)
: Modules, classes, basic 2D and 3D graphics
Slides 9 : Introduction to Machine Learning
Slides 10 : Working with some ML models
Slides 12 : Basi minime di C/C++ tanto per toccare con mano la compilazione
Slides 13 : Complessita' degli algoritmi un esempio classico il sorting